Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Writer vs. The Corporation

Call me crazy, but because hardware stores sell books for building cabinets, fabric stores for building dresses, and auto stores for building vehicles, I think it's a no-brainer that retailers who sell wine and spirits would also sell books for building cocktails. However, this is not always the case.

Enjoy the email chain below beginning at the top. Oh, and none of the wording has been altered expect for names.

September 30, 2011
Hi Jordan,
Thank you for your interest in placing your book in our stores. Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting new products this year. If you would like to resubmit at some point next year, we would love to consider it then.
[Human #1]

January 23, 2012
Resubmitted a package, which included a book, press kit, and new product catalog

February 9, 2012
Called to follow up about package, learned that Human #1 no longer works at company and we should direct all calls to Human #2 and Human #3.

February 14, 2012
Dear [Human #2 & Human #3]
Jocelyn and I want to follow up with you regarding a package we sent to [Human #1] a couple weeks ago. If it didn't land on your desk let us know and we can send another one your way.

February 14, 2012
Hi Jordan,
We aren't interested in carrying books at this time.
[Human #2]

*They carry a plastic spiral bound cocktail book

February 14, 2012
[Human #2],
Thank you for your consideration and swift response. We will presume you did not receive the book, accompanying product catalog, and press packet.
We will resubmit our product line next year.
Thank you,

February 15, 2012
I didn't receive the samples this time, but I know you've submitted them a few times since I've been here. We are in the middle of a move, so the package may be lost in the shuffle. Also, [Human #3] is the Food Buyer, so no need to cc him on our correspondence regarding non-food product.
[Human #2]

February 15, 2012
Thanks [Human #2],
Yes- we sent only our book, no product catalog or press kit, for the first time and only time in September, and did send to [Human #3] as directed by your friendly company operator. [Human #1] was the one who asked us to resubmit in the New Year, and we were delighted to honor and follow through with her request.
It did probably end up misplaced in the moving shuffle but hopefully someone finds it one day and can add a lovely cocktail book to their coffee table or home bar collection.
Best of Luck,

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